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Feb 19, 2025 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Kinesiology is the study of human movement and can also refer to a complementary therapy that uses muscle monitoring to help the body rebalance:
Complementary Therapy
Kinesiology is a therapy that uses muscle monitoring to identify imbalances in the body and help relieve them. Kinesiologists use manual muscle testing to assess the body, and then work with clients to help restore balance. This may involve massage, lifestyle changes, nutritional supplements, relaxation techniques, and more. Kinesiology can be beneficial for everyone, not just athletes or sports enthusiasts. It can help people with disabilities, injuries, diseases, children, and older adults apply the principles of kinesiology to their daily lives. |
Feb 26, 2025 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Rotarian Richard Campbell - Update on Rotary GB&I board activity.
The Rotary GB&I Board is the governing body for Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland. The board sets the long-term strategy for the organisation, in line with Rotary International’s strategic objectives, and the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland Action Plan. There is a Chair of the Board, alongside the Chair Elect and Chair Nominee and 5 General Board Members. In order to ensure alignment with Rotary International, the Director and Director Elect attend the Board in the non-voting capacity. Representatives from all four cohorts of District Governors also sit on the board. |
Feb 26, 2025 9:00 am - 9:45 am
Mar 05, 2025 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Zoe Lindsey - Individual Giving Manager Motivation UK
Glasses, hearing aids and wheelchairs- known as assistive technology or AT – are essential for a healthy, productive and independent life. In fact, they are so vital that access to AT is a human right, enshrined in the United Nations’ Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. But in countries like India, Kenya, Malawi and Uganda, less than 10% of people have the wheelchair they are entitled to. And even with a wheelchair, people face a world full of badly designed buildings, inaccessible transport, discrimination and negative stereotypes. Motivation works to change that by supporting governments, clinics, businesses, communities and families to find practical solutions and remove the barriers that disable people. We believe we all have a role to play in making space for disability. Motivation Charitable Trust works with the parents and caregivers of disabled children, so they can support their child’s early development, build support networks and increase their household income. We work with families and communities to challenge stigma and build support for disabled people’s equal access, participation and inclusion. We work with clinical and community rehabilitation professionals so disabled people can access services that assess, prescribe and fit wheelchairs to their specific needs, and train them how to use, maintain and repair their chairs. We work with policy and decision makers to secure and act on disabled people’s rights. |
Mar 12, 2025 7:30 am - 8:30 am
Mar 19, 2025 7:30 am - 8:30 am
We welcome Danny Pietersen - President Rotary Club of Atlantis Cape Town
Rotary Club of Atlantis was established in 2020 in Atlantis in the Western Cape South Africa . The biggest goals for this club are to promote and fight poverty and hunger, increase diversity and better education in all aspects of our club’s agenda and to increase membership engagement
Atlantis islocated in the Western Cape province of South Africa, lies approximately 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Cape Town. As of 2011, it is home to 67,491 residents.
Mar 26, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Simon Tutton - Waterspring Venture - Venture Capital Waterspring Ventures are a group of entrepreneurs, investors and advisors who have witnessed first-hand how difficult it is for early-stage UK businesses to raise funding, particularly those based in the UK regions or outside the tech industry. The UK currently has a rare opportunity to reshape the economy for the benefit of wider society, but we need to create a higher wage, high skill economy with the benefits enjoyed across the country. They believe the most effective way to level up is by radically increasing access to venture capital for ambitious companies in geographies, industries and communities which are often overlooked. |
Apr 02, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speakers: Laura Cook and Denise Wong - Voices of Aphasia ​Voices of Aphasia are an aphasia friendly hybrid choir and lead by Music Therapists. Laura leads the choir, whilst Denise accompanies on the keyboard alongside Tony, a stroke survivor on the guitar. Aphasia (or dysphasia) is the term for neurological problems with communication and language, including speech, reading and writing. It can present after a brain injury (including stroke and traumatic brain injuries) which causes damage to the parts of the brain responsible for processing and producing language. It is estimated that around one third of people who survive a stroke will be left with some form of aphasia.
Apr 09, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Rosie Perkins - Fundraising Manager grief encounter Grief Encounter was founded by Dr Shelley Gilbert MBE. Their mission is to give every child and young person access to the best possible support following the death of someone close. They work closely with individuals, families, schools and professionals to offer a way through the anxiety, fear and isolation so often encountered by grief. They are an open-access charity, funded by the generosity of our supporters, and here to help alleviate the pain and confusion caused by the death of a parent or sibling. Bereavement is devastating at any age, but for a child it is life-changing. |
Apr 16, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker, Jeanette Sheldon - Head of Water Quality - Jersey Water Jeanette manages a small team responsible for sampling, analysing the water and providing operational support, to ensure the drinking water is safe to drink. She started her career with Thames Water in research and development before moving into operational science roles. She then spent three years with the Drinking Water Inspectorate, before moving to South East Water, in a similar role to the one she is doing now. She says that Jersey Water is a smaller company and she has found there’s more variety in what she is doing and this was something she was looking for in a new role. She comments "There’s lots to learn and I am enjoying getting involved in different projects, which is great". |
Apr 23, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker, Sam Burrett - Streetspace Knowle Streetspace Knowle is a youth-led charity organisation that aims to empower young people in South Bristol to be the best they can be. They provide a range of centre-based and outreach street outreach services and support to help young individuals overcome challenges, develop their skills, and make positive life choices. Focussing on promoting youth engagement, personal development, and creating opportunities for young people to thrive in their community. |
Apr 30, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker, Catherine Frankpitt - Communicating for Good Strike Communications support organisations who are doing something positive in the world – whether that’s creating arts and cultural opportunities, tackling inequalities, delivering education, or championing a cause. Many of their clients are charities or small businesses with limited resources and budgets, so they work hard to deliver tight, targeted campaigns and PR activities that add real value and get the greatest return. They have a core agency team underpinned by regular support from a collective of hand-picked, exceptionally experienced practitioners who share their values, bringing with them a range of specialist expertise including social media, public affairs, design and website creation.
May 07, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker, Dan Ford of the Square Food Foundation. The Square Food Foundation offer free and subsidised cooking classes to people from Knowle West and surrounding South Bristol, who might be experiencing barriers, deprivation and marginalisation. Our aim is to teach people how to cook healthy food from scratch to improve their health, reduce hunger and bring joy and confidence to the community. |
May 14, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker Tom Button is the Senior Project Manager with Bristol City Council and will talk about the Temple Island and Temple Quarter development. Temple Quarter sits at the heart of Bristol, one of the UK’s most productive and fast-growing regions and a focal point for the West of England’s £39bn economy.
Temple Quarter will transform over 135 hectares of brownfield land over the next 25 years into a series of thriving, well-connected mixed-use communities. The regeneration of the area will deliver 10,000 new homes in a mix of types and tenures, including much-needed new affordable homes. 22,000 new jobs will be created, bringing inclusive economic growth to the city and new opportunities for Bristol’s citizens, alongside £1.6bn annual income to the city economy.
A refurbished Temple Meads Station will build on its role as the region’s largest transport hub. Communities and businesses – new and existing – will co-exist within residential, commercial, leisure and cultural areas, supporting a thriving 24-hour economy that works for everyone. The new University of Bristol Enterprise Campus will bring cutting-edge innovation, education, and skills to the area, boosting Bristol’s reputation as a centre of knowledge and enabling world-leading research and development to link with and work alongside local and regional businesses.
May 21, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Speaker, Dave King is the Editor of Rotary Magazine, Telling Rotary's Story. Dave King has 40 years’ experience as a journalist, covering events as varied as the Gulf War and Olympic Games. Most recently, he was editor-in-chief of Newsquest Berkshire & Buckinghamshire and has edited a number of regional newspapers. He is currently managing editor of Rotary magazine and, was recently the National Council for the Training of Journalists’ chief examiner for sports journalism – a post he held for 15 years. Out of work, David is a keen runner and kayaker. He also serves as a Justice of the Peace on the East Hampshire bench in Portsmouth |
Jun 04, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Our Rotary Club's Annual General Meeting (AGM)
The president presents the annual report for the club, and the treasurer presents their report and proposed budget
Jun 11, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am
Jun 18, 2025 7:00 am - 8:30 am